
How To Clean Tile Grout Off Of Acrylic Shower Floor


Jean asked: The tiles left fine traces of grout on the surface of my bath when I was tiling the wall side by side to the bath. How can I remove this? It has left marks in my bath which have discolored.

Grout is a stiff adhesive and it tin adhere to about any surface. Once it has set, it volition exist difficult to remove, but information technology can be done with some careful and persistent scraping.

Yous Will Need:

  • Razor, chisel, screwdriver (something with a strong, smooth edge that can be used for scraping)
  • Sulfumic or muratic acrid
  • H2o
  • Plastic scrubber

Steps to Remove the Grout:

  1. If the grout is fresh, it tin be wiped with a sponge moistened with h2o. The water will soften the grout again allowing it to be wiped away.
  2. Once a day has passed, the grout will be cured and will no longer exist removable with h2o. If this is the case, it will be necessary to scrape it away.
  3. Begin by carefully scraping the grout abroad with a flat, metallic tool. Some other options are a margin rowel or painters tool.
  4. Hold information technology every bit apartment as possible, no more than 45 degrees. Any steeper than that and you gamble dissentious the surface of the tub.
  5. Advisedly scrape away at the grout until it is removed.
  6. If the grout is not coming off, it may require some chemicals to soften information technology.
  7. Apply a small amount of sulfumic or muratic acrid using the guidelines on the parcel.
  8. Scrub with a plastic scrubber or go along to scrape with the metallic scraper.
  9. When all of the grout is removed, clean the area thoroughly and allow to dry out.

Additional Tips and Ideas

  • If the grout is as well difficult to remove on your ain, contact a professional and have it removed by them.
  • Sulfumic acid is not as harsh as muratic acid and should be tried first. Both are bachelor from most home improvement stores.

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